The administration panel and web client for ParEdu
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

66 lines
1.7 KiB

class Morris.Area extends Morris.Line
# Initialise
areaDefaults =
fillOpacity: 'auto'
behaveLikeLine: false
constructor: (options) ->
return new Morris.Area(options) unless (@ instanceof Morris.Area)
areaOptions = $.extend {}, areaDefaults, options
@cumulative = not areaOptions.behaveLikeLine
if areaOptions.fillOpacity is 'auto'
areaOptions.fillOpacity = if areaOptions.behaveLikeLine then .8 else 1
# calculate series data point coordinates
# @private
calcPoints: ->
for row in @data
row._x = @transX(row.x)
total = 0
row._y = for y in row.y
if @options.behaveLikeLine
total += (y || 0)
row._ymax = Math.max row._y...
# draw the data series
# @private
drawSeries: ->
@seriesPoints = []
if @options.behaveLikeLine
range = [0..@options.ykeys.length-1]
range = [@options.ykeys.length-1..0]
for i in range
@_drawFillFor i
@_drawLineFor i
@_drawPointFor i
_drawFillFor: (index) ->
path = @paths[index]
if path isnt null
path = path + "L#{@transX(@xmax)},#{@bottom}L#{@transX(@xmin)},#{@bottom}Z"
@drawFilledPath path, @fillForSeries(index)
fillForSeries: (i) ->
color = Raphael.rgb2hsl @colorFor(@data[i], i, 'line')
if @options.behaveLikeLine then color.s * 0.9 else color.s * 0.75,
Math.min(0.98, if @options.behaveLikeLine then color.l * 1.2 else color.l * 1.25))
drawFilledPath: (path, fill) ->
.attr('fill', fill)
.attr('fill-opacity', @options.fillOpacity)
.attr('stroke', 'none')